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Alpha Patch 8741
- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: Friends and Family Alpha——————————————————————————–

Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Friends and
Family Alpha. The list below contains information on the current
available content for testing and general information.
This information is subject to change. Please visit the Alpha forums
to submit feedback and discuss the expansion development with others.

- The continent of Northrend is now available! To travel there, visit
one of four transportation masters in either Orgrimmar, Undercity,
Theramore,or Menethil Harbor.
- Transportation between Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra can be found
at the Tuskarr villages in those zones.
- Portals from Shattrath to Vengeance Landing, Warsong Hold, Valgarde
and Valiance Keep can be found in the Terrace of Light.
- The level cap is currently set to 75.
- Hit Rating, Critical Strike Rating, and Haste Rating now modify both
melee attacks and spells.
- Spellpower:
All items and effects which grant bonuses to spell damage and spell
healing are being consolidated into a single stat, Spellpower. This
stat will appear with the same values found on items which grant
“increased spell damage and healing” such as on typical Mage and
Warlock itemization.
For classes which do not heal, they should see no change in the
character sheet other than new tooltip wording.
Healing characters will see their bonus healing numbers on the
character sheet decrease, however, all healing spells have been
modified to receive more benefit from spellpower than they received
from bonus healing, with a net effect of no change to the amount
healed by their spells. Some talents have had to be rebalanced to
accommodate this change, but the amount healed will remain roughly
the same. In addition, some talents will provide only healing spell
- NPC Transportation Locations
Undercity to Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord)
Orgrimmar to Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra)
Menethil Harbor to Valgarde (Howling Fjord)
Theramore to Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra)

Known Issues
- The current patch notes are incomplete, but will be more
progressively comprehensive in each next patch.
- Northrend portals may sometimes not function properly.
- The majority of all major implementation for Death Knight talents is
now complete, though there are known bugs still affecting them. All
talents should be functional including the Unholy Tree.
- Right clicking on a stack of 3 or more Lesser Cosmic Essense gives
the error message “Missing reagent:Lesser Planar Essence”.

World Environment Zones
- The following zones are available for testing: Howling Fjord, Borean
Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills

- The following dungeons are available for testing:
Howling Fjord: Utgarde Keep (70-72)
Borean Tundra: The Nexus (70-72)
Grizzly Hills: Drak’Tharon Keep (74-76)

- All Classes are available for play. Spells and talents will be
available for testing past 70 for the following classes: Druid, Mage,
Priest, Shaman, Warlock,and Warrior.
- The Shaman Elemental tree is now available for testing.
- The Death Knight Hero class is now available for play.
Death Knights will now start with 0 talent points at level 55.
Players will need to talk with Alexander, Master of Death at Light’s
Hope Chapel to complete a quest before receiving the appropriate
level talent points.
Creating a new Death Knight will start you at level 55 in Eastern
No starting quests are implemented though Death Knight abilities will
be available for testing.

- The following tradeskills are available to train up to 450: First
Aid, Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning.

User Interface
- The /cower emote now has an animation.
- Macros and key bindings are now saved server-side so there is no
longer a need to reconfigure them when logging in using another
- Shift-clicking to loot mail: You can now hold Shift and click on mail
in your inbox to automatically loot any items and gold without
opening the mail. This default behavior can be changed via Auto Loot
Mail in the Interface Options (Controls).
- Combat Log Changes:
The combat log now differentiates between a spell failure due to
resistance and spell failure due to missing the target. Where once
both events reported as a resist; a spell missing the target is now
reported as a miss.
Overhealing is now reported in the combat log.
When a source of damage is entirely prevented (by a shield block, a
full resist, or a damage shield like Power Word:Shield, the
prevented amount will now be displayed.
- Time Management: There are new features to help you manage your
Show Clock in Interface Options (Display) will put a clock at the
bottom of the minimap that can display either the server time or your
computer time.
You can now set an alarm for a specific time. Click the clock to
open up the configuration window.
There is now a stopwatch you can access via either the clock
configuration window or by typing /timer, /sw, or /stopwatch.
Normally it counts up but entering a time via the slash command will
cause the counter to count backward. Examples: /timer 80,/timer 1:20
(both will count 1 minute 20 seconds.)

- Fixed a bug that would cause the streaming client to frequently
- Fixed a bug that would allow players to get stuck in Wyrmrest Temple.
- Fixed a hole in the world inside Drak’Tharon Keep.
- Players will now be able to properly put talent points into the warrior talent Anticipation.
- Death Knight Corpse Explosion will no longer be able to be used multiple times on any mobs, living or dead.
- The cooldown for the death knight spell Lichborne will now properly activate.
- Many weapon skills will now be properly learned by new character or from trainers.
- Corrected an issue where some mobs or bosses were able to be disarmed despite their immunity to this ability.
- The tooltip for the druid ability Shred (Rank 7) will now display the correct values.
- The tooltip for the druid ability Ravage (Rank 5) will now display the correct values.
- Multiple ranks of Lifebloom from the same druid will no longer be able to be active on any one target.
- Fixed an issue with the priest talent Lightwell where the renew effect was being removed upon any damage.
- Fixed an issue with the mage talent Hot Streak where it was allowing an infinite number of spell critical strikes.
- The death knight spell, Blood Presence, will now properly increase damage by 15%.
- The death knight Death Strike spell effect will now properly heal the correct amount per rank.
- The druid talent Typhoon will now properly cause aggro.
- Combat pets will no longer prevent players from summoning companions or quest vehicles.
- The death knight spell, Raise Dead, can no longer be cast on living targets.
- The warrior talent, Titan’s Grip, no longer allows players to equip a weapon in the off-hand without learning Dual Wield.
- The druid talent, Nature’s Grace, will now properly proc from Starfall.
- Death Knight runes will no longer instantly refill when their power should be consumed when using Empower Runeblade.
- The mage talent Cold Snap will now finish the cooldown on Shatter Shield.
- The druid talent Typhoon’s tooltip has been adjusted to correctly reflect the correct distance that this ability should reach.
- The druid Moonkin form haste buff will now apply properly to other party members.
- The rogue talent Cheat Death will now properly trigger at appropriately low health levels.
- The druid talents Flourish and Nourish will now properly benefit from the dispel resistance mechanic of Subtlety.
- The death knight Talent, Sudden Doom, will now properly proc.
- The priest talent Mind Sear is now properly affected by the talent Shadow Reach.
- Blood Elf death knights will now properly start with the Arcane Torrent racial ability.


Spirit Link:
372 Mana - 40 yd range
Instance Cast
You link the friendly target with two nearby targets, causing 50% of the damage taken to be distributed to the linked targets. After 2200 damage, the link will sever.

Feral Spirit:
372 Mana - 30 yd range
Instant Cast - 2 Minute cooldown
Summons 2 spirit wolves under the command of the shaman, lasting 30 seconds.

Instant - 45 second cooldown
You call down a bolt of lighting, energizing you and damaging nearby enemies within 10 yards. Restores 5% mana to you and deals 595 to 679 nature damage to all nearby enemies, knocking them back 200 yards.

Side note:They are adding a weapon self buff for Resto Shaman and Elemental shaman; Resto shaman one is called Earthliving Weapon. They are also adding new ways of doing damage; Lava Burst.


Anciennement shaman gay des IlLuMiNïS.

Désormais 12 classes lvl 90 sur Vol'Jin/CE.
Main : Kriegspony, guerrier armes lvl 100.
le truc en orange là c'est les nouveaux sorts de shamans.

pour voir les nouveaux sorts de rogue, go !

Anciennement shaman gay des IlLuMiNïS.

Désormais 12 classes lvl 90 sur Vol'Jin/CE.
Main : Kriegspony, guerrier armes lvl 100.
Feral Spirit:
372 Mana - 30 yd range
Instant Cast - 2 Minute cooldown
Summons 2 spirit wolves under the command of the shaman, lasting 30 seconds.
Les connaisseurs de WarIII pouvait si attendre Smile

Nolife parce que je le wow bien !
je joue pas à warIII mais dans dota c'est le sort du lycanthrope.

Anciennement shaman gay des IlLuMiNïS.

Désormais 12 classes lvl 90 sur Vol'Jin/CE.
Main : Kriegspony, guerrier armes lvl 100.
Dans WarIII normal c'est le Prophete (un chaman sur loup) qui a ce sort, il a aussi chaine d'éclair voila.

Nolife parce que je le wow bien !
Ouai tes posts en anglais qui font 300 lignes ca a lair de plus en plus chiant a chaque fois, surtout que cest toujours des trucs qui seront modifiés dans 2 jours.

alors que meme sans les lires je sais que c'est pour nous dire , hop , Bite a lair !! les joueurs de wow , tout ce que vous avez farmés durant la derniere année , bein mettez vous le bien profond et attendez le prelevement automatique pour pigner.

a bein bravo lesprit^^

"galipete qui sature de ce genre de post de rejouissement, d'une evolution d'un jeu qui va toucher a sa fin d'ici peu" ( mais pourtant qui continu a y jouer et a s'investir... paradoxe...)


Nahux écrit :
Dans WarIII normal c'est le Prophete (un chaman sur loup) qui a ce sort, il a aussi chaine d'éclair voila.

dans DotA ce prophète là c'est juste un gay qui mind control les bêtes, et tape des heals.

et le "Prophet" c'est un noobard d'elfe qui invoque des arbres weaks, te sproof dans une forêt et se tp par ci par là.

pour info.

DotA FTW !!


Anciennement shaman gay des IlLuMiNïS.

Désormais 12 classes lvl 90 sur Vol'Jin/CE.
Main : Kriegspony, guerrier armes lvl 100.


Galipete écrit :
Ouai tes posts en anglais qui font 300 lignes ca a lair de plus en plus chiant a chaque fois, surtout que cest toujours des trucs qui seront modifiés dans 2 jours.

alors que meme sans les lires je sais que c'est pour nous dire , hop , Bite a lair !! les joueurs de wow , tout ce que vous avez farmés durant la derniere année , bein mettez vous le bien profond et attendez le prelevement automatique pour pigner.

a bein bravo lesprit^^

"galipete qui sature de ce genre de post de rejouissement, d'une evolution d'un jeu qui va toucher a sa fin d'ici peu" ( mais pourtant qui continu a y jouer et a s'investir... paradoxe...)

je ne fais que transmettre les infos importantes que certains gayzous ont la flemme d'aller voir en cliquant sur un lien.

je permet aux fainéants de fainéanter !

Anciennement shaman gay des IlLuMiNïS.

Désormais 12 classes lvl 90 sur Vol'Jin/CE.
Main : Kriegspony, guerrier armes lvl 100.
y en a pas un chez les illu qui fait une fac de langue pour traduire bordel..........
-the number one of the flooding of the fofo!!
-Born to be an Hamburger

-aamburggher=druide heal lvl86
-ozaïphe=mage arcane lvl 90
-gropork=warrior fury lvl 86
-beniheal=prêtre disci/sacré lvl 80
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